Thursday, March 1, 2012

alphabet challenge

So, I don't think this will be an exact picture of my life in Korea, but I really just hope to give you more insight. One of my good friends does blog challenges where she blogs everyday for a month, and I am going to try it. Knowing that I will probably never be able to exactly/articulately/thoroughly explain my YAV year, I decided [with a little encouragement from my Dad to blog more] to blog my way though the alphabet. I know, I know...there are only 26 letters and a few more days than that in March, but I'm just going to do it! Considering that if when I complete this challenge I will have blogged about twice as many times during one month than I have in my entire time here, I am both excited and rather nervous.

I'm thinking some posts might be kind of serious, some posts might be kind of funny, some posts might kind of random and...a lot will be about food. Enjoy!  


  1. Hooray! More Curl!! Can't wait. Props to Mr. Mike for encouraging this.
